
Yet another quick post since it will be rather short and sweet. If one has been following my twitter, pretty much old news, but for those that don’t I’ve setup a free shorten URL service over at Pretty much the same thing you’ve seen from sites like,, etc simply input in the address you want shorten, hit the button, and you’ll have a nice short address instead. For example, goes to a Japanese site that displays my tweets like a blog post (thanks to Michael Pinto for the link).
Really meant for twitter to save on character count, one can obviously use it anywhere they want an easier address to copy and paste. I pretty much made the interface as straight forward as possible, including making links to automatically post the new address in facebook and/or twitter, but if anyone has suggestion to improve the service/interface, let me know.
As I mentioned previously, it’s open to the public so please feel free to use to your heart’s content. Tell others, which would be great, as I setup the service for anyone and everyone. Plus, it was a nice quick project to keep me occupied helping me learn about domain naming schemes and the like; thus why the domain name “” (or close enough) since I wanted something related to the hobby and was short in length ^^;;