AMV: Final Fantasy Godzilla Porn

Необычный клип, который, скорее всего, разделит аудиторию на два лагеря, от очень понравилось, до полный отстой. Клип представляет собой бессюжетный экшен с очень частой сменой кадров, но бешеной динамикой и специфическим визуальным стилем.

Комментарий автора: I did this video as a grand experiment. The best way to describe this video is “momentum” editing, since I went purely off the motions of what was happening in the clips. In the end I wanted to see how fast I could edit while maintaining the flow and for the most part I think this video is a success in many ways. The only thing I can say is that this style isn’t for everyone and I expect there to be haters. So for those who can see what I was trying to do and enjoy I’m glad.

Автор: JForce
Аниме: Final Fantasy 7 (VII): Advent Children Complete (OVA)
Музыка: Kraddy – Android Porn (Mochipet Godzillaporn Remix)

Об авторе Nana

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