1000% Rise in Breast Reductions for Men


Men concerned about the size of their breasts are opting for breast reduction surgery in record numbers, delighting plastic surgeons.

A meeting of UK plastic surgeons was told that over the past 5 years breast reduction surgery for men has increased 1000%, with the operation now the fifth most popular cosmetic surgery for men.

Plastic surgeons are delighted by all the new business:

“We are seeing men of all ages coming in to have their breasts made smaller. They are losing their inhibitions about the operation and deciding to undergo an operation which previously was a women’s operation.”

In 2008 alone a thousand men underwent the procedure, which costs in the region of $1,700.

The other top operations are nosejobs, eyelifts, ear corrections and liposuction. The popularity of penis modifications is not mentioned.

The UK has one of the highest rates of obesity in the world, with 2003 UN estimates suggesting 23% of the population is obese, only beaten by Mexico with 24% and the US with some 31%.

For some reason the plastic surgeons fail to mention the utility of losing weight in reducing breast size…

Via the BBC.

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