Animelo Summer 2009 Re:Bridge Previews

Just a quick update that a few more videos have been uploaded/found showcasing Animelo Summer 2009, which I thought I would share with everyone ^_^

Showcasing off Day 1 via Anime Seijin #11 I believe. In the preview are parts of angela, Halko Momoi, GRANDRODEO, Mamoru Miyano, and Nana Mizuki’s song sets. The more I watch it, the more I can’t wait for the blu rays to be released!

I tried to encode the Day 2 showcase from Anime Seijin #12 but the sync went to hell half way through. Instead I’ll just link to – スタート – ACG | 声優 雜談 since I first found the links to the videos from him! He already has Day 2 up and I thought it would be arse if I just stole the youtube link without giving credit when due.

Об авторе Nana

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